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Triangle Quilt Tutorial – Part I

February 1, 2013

Quilts are often thought of as daunting “I can’t do that” projects. But really they are not so bad and you only need the most basic sewing skills to do a patchwork quilt like this one. I’ve made several quilts for friends and have been planning for a while to make one for myself. I’m going to blog it as I go (so posts will be spaced apart). The supplies and steps will be based on each specific part of the tutorial.

Part I is incredibly easy. We are going to create a cardboard template to use for your triangle patches. You are going to want this to be as perfect as possible. If it is off even slightly it can skew the whole quilt. We will then use the template to cut out 420 triangles (for a queen size quilt).

Quilt square template supplies

making quilt template

triangle quilt square templates

tracing quilt square

quilt triangles

a triangle
utility knife
10 yards of 44″ wide fabric (I would go with at least four different fabrics and feel free to just use scraps until you have enough squares)

1. Take you cardboard (I used a scrap from a box) and measure 8″ on a clean edge. Mark.
2. Use your triangle and ruler to create a perfect 8″ square based off of the clean edge.
3. Connect opposite corners to create two triangles and use your utility knife to cut.
4. Carefully trace the template onto the backside of the fabric and cut out.
5. Repeat 420 times

*hint* alternate to the second template half way through as it will start to wear after a while.
*hint hint* stack the triangles in piles of twenty to easily keep count

3 Comments leave one →
  1. February 1, 2013 10:33 pm

    How amazingly coincidental! I just finished my first quilt and I’m moving on to making one from our wedding napkins! And I recognize that fabric from your wedding…

    • tinylittlehouse permalink*
      February 2, 2013 12:31 am

      Whoa, crazy! Yea the fabric is from OUR wedding napkins.


  1. resolution 01 « tiny little house

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